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Пользователь: Али Бей (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 13, May, 2012 00:11


CIA and ODNI Sponsor First Intelligence Community LGBT Summit

The CIA and the Office of the Director for National Intelligence (ODNI) recently hosted the first Intelligence Community (IC) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Summit. Participants included members of LGBT employee groups from nine IC agencies and CIA and ODNI leaders. The Summit was designed to ensure the Agency maintains a high performing, engaged, and diverse workforce.

CIA Associate Deputy Director (ADD) Sue Bromley welcomed participants to the February event, highlighting the importance of inclusion in mission success: “When I look at our mission and our challenges, what I look to is my single greatest resource at the CIA—our people,” she said. “In order to get the most out of our people, we have to make sure there is an environment where everybody can thrive, where everybody feels secure and comfortable, so they can bring their unique contribution to our challenges,” ADD/CIA Bromley continued.

Participants agreed that a fully inclusive IC directly and positively affects the workforce’s contribution to mission. Discussions delved into collective IC experiences and best practices for making agencies welcoming to LGBT employees. Officers considered policy implementation, lessons learned, and ways to increase the understanding and visibility of transgender issues. Participants also shared ideas about leveraging LGBT supporters and assessing the mission impact of LGBT officers.

A panel discussion about LGBT inclusion and benefits included participants from the Department of State, the White House, Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA), and the IC LGBT Affinity Network Group.

The CIA is dedicated to promoting the critical diversity our mission demands. This is reflected in Agency efforts to attract, hire, develop, engage, and retain employees with the critical skills, knowledge, cultural backgrounds, and abilities needed to successfully meet mission requirements.

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Тема Написано Дата
Удивительное рядом(td) Andrew VK 11.05.2012 23:18
Отв: не только этот товарищ sezam 11.05.2012 23:21
rvv Andrew VK 11.05.2012 23:38
Отв: Удивительные открытия Али Бей 11.05.2012 23:33
6. размножился.(tu) LUPUS 11.05.2012 23:42
Отв: Удивительное рядом(td) Marina 11.05.2012 23:43
Отв: Удивительное рядом Andrew VK 11.05.2012 23:50
Отв: Удивительное рядом Marina 11.05.2012 23:51
Занимательно... Али Бей 11.05.2012 23:50
кто ж сюда ещё присторится Andrew VK 11.05.2012 23:55
Я могу еще "пристроиться". Бербер 12.05.2012 00:04
Отв: может пристроиться... ilyas xan 12.05.2012 00:54
Неужели? Бербер 12.05.2012 00:56
Отв: Неужели? ilyas xan 12.05.2012 01:00
Причина оживления девушек (ангельский) Али Бей 13.05.2012 00:11
Прошло 20 суток Andrew VK 13.05.2012 19:00
Отв: Прошло 20 суток Х-ов 14.05.2012 15:04
Слово - не воробей... Али Бей 14.05.2012 15:45
Отв: Слово - не воробей... Х-ов 14.05.2012 17:08
Отв: Слово - не воробей... Али Бей 14.05.2012 18:07
Отв: Слово - не воробей... Х-ов 14.05.2012 20:19
Есть рекорд! Andrew VK 18.05.2012 21:27
Отв: Есть рекорд! Ёжик 19.05.2012 12:29
Отв: Есть рекорд! Али Бей 19.05.2012 16:54
Консилиумный алибей Andrew VK 21.06.2012 01:09
Сейчас Andrew VK 21.06.2012 15:09
Прошло 2 месяца Andrew VK 24.06.2012 11:50

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