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крокодильи слезки
Пользователь: kassiop (IP-адрес скрыт)
Дата: 07, July, 2011 13:49

Из серии "не читал но уже осуждаю"

Navarro, Autry Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action

China is now the #1 danger facing America. Best-selling author and economist Peter Navarro exposes every form of “death by China”—from lethal products to espionage, imperialism, and nuclear proliferation through China’s relentless attack on the U.S. economy. A must-read book for every American, by the best-selling author of The Coming China Wars.

From the Back Cover
“Like a modern-day Paul Revere, this book offers the most urgent of warnings about how China is systematically destroying the American economy under the false banner of ‘free’ trade–and in the process, severely weakening our national defenses.”

особенно умиляют кавычки в "banner of ‘free’"

когда уже сотни лет то же делают СШП с экономикаи стран мира.

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крокодильи слезки kassiop 07.07.2011 13:49

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