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Вселенная индейцев миномини
Пользователь: LUPUS (IP-адрес скрыт) [Модератор]
Дата: 20, September, 2010 15:24


The Menominee believed that the earth was separating the upper and lower worlds. The upper world represented good and the lower world represented evil. These two worlds were divided into several layers, the furthest being the most powerful. The sun was at the highest level in the upper world, followed by the Thunderbird and the Morning Star; the Golden Eagles (symbols of war); and other birds led by the Bald Eagle. The first level below the earth in the lower world was occupied by the Horned Serpent. The next level was the home of the White Deer, which contributed to the origins of the Medicine Dance. The next level was the Underwater Panther. The lowest level was ruled by the Great White Bear.

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Тема Написано Дата
Вселенная индейцев миномини LUPUS 20.09.2010 15:24
Отв: Вселенная индейцев миномини nekto 20.09.2010 16:02
Как-то миномини(tu) Andrew VK 20.09.2010 16:19
мне собственно картинка понравилась LUPUS 20.09.2010 16:56
богиню Нут напомнило Andrew VK 20.09.2010 17:02
Отв: из кино Артур и Минипуты ? sezam 20.09.2010 16:25

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